Material: BMC (Bulk Molding Compound), PF (Phenolic Molding Compound), MF (Melamine Molding Compound).
thermosetting plastics such as bakelite (UP, PF, DAP, MF, MU), melamine resin, polymer composites (BMC, SMC, DMC).
phenolic resins and thermoset molding materials:
polyester bulk molding compounds (BMC), phenol formaldehyde molding compounds / bakelite (PF), dry polyester (UP), amino molding compounds / urea formaldehyde molding compounds (UF), melamine-formaldehyde molding compounds (MF) & melamine-phenol molding compounds (MP), allyls (DAP and DAIP)
Thermoset (PF, MF, EP) injection, Polyester (BMC & SMC) injection
End Products:
Cookware and other Applications: oven doors, oven knobs, pot handles and knobs, pan handles, heat shields and baking oven rollers.
Electrical and Electronics: lamp sockets, LS and FI switches, performance and motor safety switches, energy regulators, relays, thermosets, electromagnetic coils and coil forms, electric and gas meters
Features: good electrical insulating properties and high heat resistance